Ministry Team 3
Because Heartland Christian School is operated by Heartland Family Ministries: First Baptist Church of Belton, our school administration is organized a little differently than most other schools in that our entire body of church members serves as the school board. This has had a very positive impact on our school, as it ensures that our focus remains centered on a strong Biblical doctrine. However, it can cause making changes or suggestion to the board seem daunting or unwieldy. This is where Ministry Team 3 comes in.
How We Started
When Pastor McCubbin joined our ministry as Senior Pastor and Superintendent, he established three ministry Teams to analyze the church's and school's strengths and weaknesses, help him get the lay of the land for how Heartland Family Ministries is organized, and plan for future programs and improvements. Ministry Team 3's primary focus was and remains things pertaining to the school.
Where We're Going
Now that the initial phase of analysis and feedback has passed, Ministry Team 3's purpose has shifted to more of a focus group that acts as a special task force and a liaison between the board as a whole, the pastor, any committees within the church that have business pertaining to the school, and members of the school.
[Ministry Team will take a part in reviewing curriculum, proposing new classes, making recommendations to the finance committee about hiring and staff compensation...]
What You Can Do
Participation is open to church members, faculty, staff, and school parents, and meetings are open. If you feel led to serve the school by participating in this team, you can find meeting dates and times posted here, in the monthly newsletter, and in the weekly bulletins. You could also reach out to Pastor McCubbin to discuss current issues being discussed and when he's planning to call the next meeting.