Whether you are submitting or requesting records or need official documents sent to a college or employer, please look below for guidelines on records.
Transfer of Records: If your student is transferring to Heartland from another school, you will need to fill out a Records Request form and submit it to our office, either by uploading it to your student's application or by bringing it into the office. You may access the form here.
Essential Documents: When your student first applies, you will need to submit a copy of his or her birth certificate and immunization records. These can be uploaded on the enrollment packet or brought in to be copied by the office.
Contact Info: To update your contact information with the school, you can either change it when submitting your enrollment packets or contact the school office and provide your new information.
Custody Arrangements: Due to the complexity of some family situations, Heartland Christian School requires that all families provide the school with a copy of any court-ordered parenting plan that may exist. This will need to be the most up-to-date, final copy with the stamps, signatures, and/or notarization by the court, not an attorney’s draft. Families that are operating under such an order can expect the school to strictly adhere to the provisions applicable to us. It is the parents’ responsibility to provide us with updated copies if the parenting plan changes.
Records Requests: If you are sending records in response to a records request, sending a records request to our office, or expecting a records request from our office but have not received one, please email Jessica Anders or call our main office at (816) 331-1000.
Employment Verification: If one of our students is applying for employment and you need to verify their enrollment or graduation information, please call our office at (816) 331-1000.
Transcripts: If you need a copy of your transcript sent out, either for college or employment, first of all, congratulations on taking this step towards your future! Second, you will need to submit a request to Ms. Anders in the office - including the name of the institution, the mailing address, and/or email address of where the transcript needs to be sent and whether it needs to be an official copy. You can fill out a paper form or email your request.
Permission Slips: If you are submitting a permission slip for traveling for sports, especially if it includes a payment, please submit it to the Mrs. White in the business office. If you are returning a field trip permission slip, please give it to the teacher who asked you to get it signed.
Grades: If you want to know where your grades are falling, you should check your Family Portal. If you are having trouble accessing your Family Portal, please ask Ms. Anders for you login info.

Progress Reports: Progress reports are emailed out at the midterm of the first to third quarters.
Report Cards: Reports cards are emailed after the close of the each quarter. The exception to this is the final report card for the year, which is mailed out along with any reminders, such as notices regarding immunization updates, for the upcoming year.
Family Portal: Your student's grades should be visible on your FACTS Family Portal in addition to these official reports.
Transcripts: Your student's high school transcript, showing their academic records from 9th-12th grade, must be requested from the office.

Your child must have all the necessary immunizations as specified by Missouri State Law or have appointments to receive the necessary immunizations as soon as possible. If this condition is not met, your child is not enrolled for school, even though all the other requirements may be fulfilled. If your child is permitted to enter school on the condition that he/she is in the process of receiving his/her immunizations, he/she may attend school as long as the immunization process is continued. Upon its completion, it is the parents’ responsibility to provide the school office with written proof that the child has received the required immunizations. Failure of the parent to continue and complete the child’s immunizations will result in the child being removed from school. Missouri Law requires that we comply with this regulation.
To access the most up-to-date immunization requirements for the state of Missouri, please check the website for the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services here.
If you receive a reminder for immunizations from us but you are sure your student is up to date, it may be that we just don't have the most recent records. Please, check with the school office to verify that the immunizations we have on file are the most recent lists.
If you need a religious or medical exemption from an immunization, you can contact the health department for your county. Cass County Health Department can be reached here or by calling (816) 380-8425.